Editor s Note

  • Zélia Monteiro Bora


The eighth issue of RILE-JILE Vol 1, organized by Evely Libanori and Ivana Peixoto, brings together the first seven oral communications from the V International Conference of Literature and Environment. They were selected and later modified for this edition. These articles present discussions on Literature, such as those by Melina Savi, Ana Carolina Coelho, Evely Libanori and Lígia Zotesso, Francilene de Azevedo and Hélio Rocha; Roberto Forns-Broggi's article on Cinema; Sueli Liebig and Rafaela Lucena´s article on Animal Rights. Concluding the issue, Carmélia Tacaná and Heloisa Helena Correia develop a critical approach inserted in the theme Science and Spirituality.


Bora, Zélia M.