Towards an Intermedial Vegetal Ethics: Sumatra’s Charismatic Titan Arum and the Spectacularization of Plant Being

  • John C Ryan
Palavras-chave: English


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1 John Charles Ryan is Adjunct Associate Professor at Southern Cross University, Australia, and Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the Nulungu Institute, Notre Dame University, Australia. His research focuses on Aboriginal Australian literature, Southeast Asian ecocriticism, the environmental humanities, ecopoetics, and critical plant studies. His recent publications include Introduction to the Environmental Humanities (2021, authored with J. Andrew Hubbell), The Mind of Plants: Narratives of Vegetal Intelligence (2021, edited with Monica Gagliano and Patrícia Vieira) and Nationalism in India: Texts and Contexts (2021, edited with Debajyoti Biswas). In 2021, he was Visiting Professor of Literary Theory and Methodology at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia.